Expectations Vs. Reality

Monday, July 27, 2015

Why Is Change So Scary?

Why Is Change So Scary?

Hello Everyone! Hope you are all having an awesome day! Today I wanted to talk to you about change. I'm sure everyone can relate when I say the word change. We have all experienced some sort of change in our lives. Some people have experienced larger or more significant changes than others. This can be the change from primary school to secondary school or maybe something much bigger. Anyway, my point is that change is something we can all relate to, we can't avoid it because it's just another part of life. However, at times it can seem very scary and I want to know why it makes us sick to our stomachs.

Before we jump in to this, what exactly is change? Well, according to the Oxford Dictionary:

verb: change; 3rd person present: changes; past tense: changed; past participle: changed; gerund or present participle: changing
  1. 1.
    make or become different.
    "a proposal to change the law"

  2. 2.
    take or use another instead of.
    "she decided to change her name"

You may be wondering why I decided to create a blog post for such a deep topic. Well, if you are then it's story time. If you aren't then oh well because this next bit is very significant to this post and may help tie things together for you. So whether you want a story or not, I'm going to tell you one anyway:

Yesterday evening my cousins who are currently staying at my grandmother's house (which is just slightly down the road) came over along with their parents, my aunt and uncle, and my grandmother. They are over from Scotland for the summer so we had invited them round for dinner.

  We ate in a separate room from the adults because there wasn't enough room. Throughout dinner my oldest cousin Harry* kept asking me about the school system over here and the difference between it and the Scottish one. I answered all his questions, and explained everything he wanted explained. "So, I would be in what year if I went to school here?" he asked.
"Well, you are a year younger than me so you would be going into year 10 (third year)  if you went to school over here," I replied.
"What about me?" asked Harry's younger brother Charlie*.
"You would be in year 9 (second year) if you went to school over here," I answered.
"What about George*?" enquired Charlie looking over at his younger brother.
"You are nearly seven aren't you, George?" I asked. George nodded.
 "Alright," I said, "George you would be going into Primary 4."
"Oh right!" exclaimed Harry, " So although I would only be going in to second year in Scotland, I would actually be going into third year over here?"
"Yes," I replied.
I failed to notice anything unusual about these questions or the sudden interest they had in my school life. However, later on I found out the reason for their interest. After a big announcement, that involved everyone gathering in the TV room, we were told that they were moving. Due to their Dad's new job they had to either move here or to Glasgow. They didn't know anyone in Glasgow, but pretty much all their cousins lived over here so they decided that here would be the best place. We were the first cousins they had told and they were anxious to see our reaction. We were thrilled, of course and very excited.

   The rest of the evening was spent with everyone quite spread out. The adults went back to the room they had been occupying before the announcement. My brother, sister and George went to play on the Xbox, while Harry, Charlie and I watched a movie. Harry occasionally telling me how weird it was that they were moving over here.

I found out later that they had only found out about the move about an hour before they came round for dinner. Harry hadn't been happy with the idea and I understood why. I couldn't do it myself, leave everything behind. They now had to leave the little town in Scotland which all three of them had been born in and no doubt each knew like the back of their hand. They were leaving that to move across the sea to a huge city that despite the fact they came over annually to visit they barely knew anything about. They were leaving all their friends, everyone they knew!

So this is an example of a big change one which must seem very scary for my cousins, but why.

1. Fear of the Unknown: Well, as they say, "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is the fear of the unknown." As human beings we do not like any nasty, unexpected surprises, that may be why the unknown is so utterly scary to us. This form of fear ties in very well with the 'fear of the new or different' because we don't know that much about what we are dealing with. When moving to a new school, for example, there are a lot of questions that we ask ourselves such as 'Will everyone like me?' or 'What if no one talks to me?' The important thing is not to think about all that. Don't let it get in your head, especially the 'what if ' questions. The 'what ifs' are the worst as your mind is contemplating the worst possible things that could happen. Then fear kicks in and makes you scared of the change in you life that is happening.

2. Unexpected: Some changes comes out of nowhere and are therefore unexpected. You haven't had time to think things through properly and you have therefore made a poor decision. Or worse, just like my cousins you didn't get a say. That was it, it was all decided for you by someone else or by life. When change comes out of the blue you have less time to mentally prep yourself for it and this makes it harder to adapt to the change.

3. Can We Cope With It: This is very important, if our mind thinks we can cope and quickly adapt to this new change then it won't be that big of a deal. The easier it is to cope with a particular change, the less scary it will be. If we feel like it is too much for us to handle our mind will begin to fear the worse.

How to Face Change

Fear is all mental and the way to overcome it is to accept and acknowledge your fears, you can then work on tackling them. Ask yourself  "What is scaring me?" "What are the consequences I am fearing?" "What is the best way to help deal with this change?" "Who can I rely on to help me?" The thing about change is that once you are aware of it you can't pretend it is not going to happen. Instead look at ways that will make the change easier to cope with. Depending on the change, see if it is avoidable. The change for my cousins is unavoidable therefore the best thing for them to do is to prepare for it.

Well guys I'm no expert on change that is just my understanding of it, however if it helped you in any way then that's great! Sorry that this was such a long post I just thought it was necessary because it is relevant for everyone at some point in their lives

* = all names were changed for privacy purposes, and yes I am aware that the names I changed them too are characters in Harry Potter! ;)

-El x

Friday, July 24, 2015

I'm Back/Back To School Rant!

I'm Back/Back To School Rant!

Hi everybody, I'm back from Spain. I had an amazing time! Thanks so much for all the lovely comments I got when I was away. I will be posting as often as I can now that I'm back with Wi-Fi.

I just got my school uniform the other day, which was sort of a downer. I always get my school uniform near the start of the summer. It is then put in my wardrobe until school begins. However, till then every time I open my wardrobe it serves as a constant reminder that summer will eventually come to an end and that in just over a months time I will be sitting in the class room again.
I needed to get a new blazer because the one from last year had ink stains on the inside pocket due to my pen exploding in it on the third last day. I mean come on, the third last day. It survived the whole year only to be destroyed on the THIRD LAST DAY! Note to self: Don't keep pens in your pocket, it never ends well.
While I'm dreading of going back to school my younger brother, who is starting first year (year 8), is super excited to be starting school. According to my mum that's what I was like when I was going into first year (year 8). However, considering this year I'm going into fourth year (year 11) I am cherishing every day I have before I go back to school!

Well sorry about that school rant, I'm sure that that is the last thing you want to be hearing about right now, unless you're not from the western world and you are actually still at school, in that case I'm sorry for talking about summer holidays! Anyway let me know in the comments if you guys are on your summer holidays, and if so (stupid question here) are you excited to be going back to school?

Hope you are all having an awesome day and I'll post soon!
-El x

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Adios Amigos!

Adios Amigos!
Hey y'all!
 I wanted to briefly inform you that I am going on holiday for ten days. Depending on Wi-Fi being available or not I may only be able to post a few or maybe even no blog posts. However, I will be back to posting as often as I can when I come back home.
Will see you all soon!
PS: The lack of Wi-Fi will also mean that I won't be able to check my inbox for a few days, so please take that into consideration. Although I probably won't reply right away, still feel free to email me if you have any questions, or even if you just want to say hi!

-El x

Monday, July 06, 2015

The Harry Potter Tag!

The Harry Potter Tag!
I'm curled up in an armchair with a mug of hot jasmine tea resting on the table beside me, life is good! (although it is summer it is raining in the UK at the moment. Typical!)
Hey there! I'm super excited for todays post and I hope you enjoy it because I know I'm going to love doing it.

1. Favourite book?
Has to be Order of the Phoenix!

2. Favourite movie?
Deathly Hallows part 2 because of the epic finale!

3. Least favourite book?
Chamber of Secrets, I just feel it wasn't very exciting compared to the rest of the book. But hey that's just my opinion.

4. Least favourite movie?
Probably Goblet of Fire.

5. Parts of the books/movies that made you cry?
Sirius' death, Dobby's death, Fred's death, Hedwig's death, Lupin's death... yeah, basically all the deaths.

6. If you could hook up with any HP character who would it be?
I'm literally not sure!

7. Favourite character?
Apart from the golden trio it would have to be Sirius.

8. Least favourite character?
James Potter, especially after seeing how horrible he was to Snape.

9. Least favourite line?
In the fifth movie when Bellatrix has killed Sirius and she runs out calling, "I killed Sirius Black!" or when Fred says, "When I get married I'm going to put a full Body-Bind curse on mum till it's over."

10. Favourite line?
There are so many, but I'm only going to name one or two:
"Ron! A prefect! That's everyone in the family", Mrs Weasley said. "What are Fred and I, next door neighbours?" said George.
"You have the emotional range of a teaspoon," -Hermione

11. What your Patronus be?
I don't know... a unicorn?

12. If you could have the Resurrection Stone, Invisibility Cloak or the Elder Wand which would you choose?
Definitely the Invisibility Cloak, think of all the 5sos concerts you could sneak into (or concerts in general, it doesn't have to be 5sos, it's just whatever floats your boat!)

13. What house would you be in?

14. If you could meet any member of the cast who would it be?

15. Have you played any of the video games?
Yes, Order of the Phoenix, Deathly Hallow part 1 and Deathly Hallows Part 2.

16. If you were in the Quidditch team what position would you play?
Despite the fact the I am short sited I would want to play seeker.

17. Were you happy with the ending?
Nope! I hate the way it finished with them all grown up and everything is perfectly fine because now there is no chance of a sequel - I know J.K Rowling never wanted to write one but still... Also I hate the way there were so many deaths in the Battle of Hogwarts. I know it makes it realistic, but why make us go through so much pain helplessly watching some of the most loveable characters be killed off? RIP Fred, Lupin, Tonks and everyone else who died! (I'm now g to go cry for a while!)

18. How much does HP mean to you?
It was my childhood and I will never forget it!

Well that's it! Let me know if there are any other tags you want me to do.

Hope you all have a lovely day!

-El x

Saturday, July 04, 2015

How To Keep Cool During Summer!

How To Keep Cool During Summer!

Summer brings the sunshine... or it should do anyway. That is unless you live in the UK, like me, then summer doesn't neccesarily bring warmer weather! However, if you live somewhere where the weather gets hot during summer or if it's one of those rare occasions that the sunshine visits the UK then here are the best life hacks for keeping cool.

  • Clothing: 
  1. Try to wear loose fitting clothes as tight clothes will be come uncomfortable.
  2. Wear cotton, other materials are much better at absorbing heat so they will make you warmer.
  3. Keep the colours light. Darker colours are very good at absorbing heat and will therefore mean that you will end up sweating like crazy!
  4. Wear socks because there are more sweat glands in your feet than any other part of your body. Sock will be able to absorb the sweat.
  5. Wear a hat. It keeps the sun off your face and if the brim is wide enough it may even be able to keep the sun off your neck.
  • Sweating It Out:
  1. Take a hot shower because sweat is the way our body cools itself down. By taking a hot shower you are making yourself sweat and in the process cooling yourself down quicker.
  2. If you don't want the hassle of showering then you can drink a hot drink. It works the same way.
  • Food:
  1. Eat less food. Stop eating such big meals. By eating you are causing your body to produce heat.
  • Refresh:
  1. Create a DIY mist spray by putting water in a bottle which has a spray nozzle at the top. Then put it in the fridge and spray your face whenever you feel too warm.

Well lovelies that is just a handful of tips on how to keep cool this summer. Have a lovely summer, and stay cool!

-El x

Friday, July 03, 2015

What Is It Like To Get Your Ears Pierced?

What Is It Like To Get Your Ears Pierced?

Hello lovelies! Recently I was talking to one of my younger cousins who I haven't seen in ages. Since that time I have gotten my ears pierced. She noticed this and asked me what it was like to get them done. When it comes to those who don't have their ears pierced there are a lot of questions about it. These consist of: did it hurt, is it true they use a gun?, and a bunch of others. So I am now going to attempt to explain what it's really like to get your ears pierced. Be prepared because I am going to be brutally honest with you about the whole process. However, although it was relatively recently I can't really remember how painful it was or anything like that. I think the human brain just blocks out pain...? Anyway enough ranting let's jump right into it!

When Getting Them Pierced:
  • Before you even go to get them done I recommend putting your hair in a ponytail so that it is out of the way. You will probably be asked to do this anyway if you arrive with your hair down.
  • The first thing you do is choose your studs. I had the choice of three, but that may be different for you depending on where you are getting your ears pierced.
  • They will then get a disinfectant wipe and clean your ear lobe; and no this does not hurt one bit.
  • Next they will get a marker and put a dot on each ear lobe to show where they want each earring to go.
  • Finally, they bring out the gun. Not to worry! It is not a fully loaded rifle, it is small and not very scary looking. It will probably look something like this:
  • They will take the earrings out of the bag and load them into the gun. The gun will be held right beside your ear (when my friend was getting her ears pierced she thought that they were going to stand at the other side of the room and use her ear as target practice!) and lined up with the marker dot.
  • When it is fired it will hurt, but not that much! I can not stand pain at all and I managed to remain calm and get the other one done without uttering a single swear word. So if I, of all people, can do it then so can you! The only thing I have to warn you about is the sound it makes when it is fired. Be prepared for it. I wasn't and it scared the living daylights out of me!
  • It may sting a bit through the day, but that all depends. Personally one of my ears hurt the whole day and the other was absolutely fine!
After Getting Them Pierced:
  • The most important thing to do is keep it clean. When you are getting your ears pierced the person piercing it should tell how to keep it clean. If they don't then make sure to ask. I was told to clean my ears everyday with a solution made of lukewarm water and salt.
  • It will bruise. This is perfectly normal, just remember something has just been shot through it!
  • Make sure your hair doesn't get tangled in your earrings as this could lead to infection.
That's is all you need to know about getting your ears pierced. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask down in the comments or you could email me! Whatever floats your boat! Good luck for getting your ears pierced!

-El x 

Thursday, July 02, 2015

How To Survive That Summer Holiday Plane Journey!

How To Survive That Summer Holiday Plane Journey!
Summer has officially begun and I am very excited about the prospect of going on holiday. I am going to Spain! How about you? Let me know if you are going anywhere on holiday in the comments! However, the one thing I can not stand about going on holiday is the 'going' part. This is mainly due to stressful plane journeys. If you too find plane journeys stressful and annoying then not to worry! I have compiled a list of ways to make your plane journey a bit more relaxing!
  • When it comes to carry-ons although a handbag looks nice it is not practical and you will soon find it will become heavy to haul around. Instead opt for a backpack, if you find a nice backpack that you like then swapping out the handbag shouldn't really be a problem.
  • You will have to carry your carry-on bag (obviously) so pack light. Only bring what you need. I have already made a list of my essential carry-ons which you can see in a new browser window by clicking here!
  • Wear comfortable clothes! I cannot stress this enough. You don't be stuck on a 12 hour flight in a pair if tight skinny jeans. My personal go to outfit would probably include leggings and a t-shirt. Although it is summer, bring a light jacket because from personal experience planes can get quite cool especially if everyone has their air conditioner blasting.
  • Wear your hair down or in a plait. Although ponytails and buns are everyone's go to hairstyle for long journeys, they are not comfortable. I personally can't get to sleep when my hair is in a ponytail because it digs into my head, but that's just my opinion.
  • Bring a light blanket and pillow for extra comfort if you want to sleep on the flight.
  • If you don't enjoy the thought of flying then your best option is to keep yourself occupied. Whether that's by listening to music, sleeping, reading a book or magazine or even talking to your fellow passengers. Another option that I recommend is writing a diary about your flight experience or even writing a small story about a chosen topic. 
  • My last tip is too arrive early so that you are not rushing around. This means you can go through the security and all at your own pace, it also means that it won't be to crowded which may make things easier if you have anxiety. Plus while you are waiting for your plane you can browse around the stores and grab a coffee too (or a tea if you prefer, I know I do!).
Well guys that's all the tips I have to offer about surviving plane journeys. I hope you all have a wonderful trip and a safe journey!
-El x

What To Take In Your Carry-Ons: Summer Holiday Edition!

What To Take In You Carry-Ons: Summer Holiday Edition!

Hey Y'all!
As I am sure you are all aware July has begun! That means summer has officially begun! We can now chill and enjoy the sun and the newfound free time that we have. I, like many of you, am going on holiday and as usual I am very excited. I decided to this make this post to help you with the stress of packing. In particular the stress of packing your carry-on. These are my must-have carry-on essentials:

  • My phone - This one is a tad obvious, but I decided to put it in anyway.
  • My earphones - If you love listening to music, like me, then you will know this to be an essential. Even if you aren't that keen on music you can listen to an audio book, may I take this moment to recommend audible especially considering they have a 30 day free trial option and currently are giving you the opportunity to try one of any of their audio books for free! Seriously go check it out! I think I just like anything to help tune out the noise of my fellow passengers!
  • A good book - I am currently reading Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke, I'm loving it and I may do a book review on it once I'm finished it.
  • My make-up bag - Just in case you want to do any touch-ups on the plane...?
  • My laptop - Pretty much follows suit with my phone, plus who says you need Wi-Fi to write blog posts!
  • Camera - You don't want to be rummaging around in your suitcase for this, especially if you are going to a place known for it's stunning views. In my opinion you want your camera on hand and ready for action!
  • A pillow and a light blanket - For those long flights that you want to sleep through.
  • Snacks - If you are like me and are not too keen on aeroplane food then come prepared. You may just be a fussy eater and are worried you won't like any of the food served on the plane, either way bring snacks!
  • Sunglasses and sun cream - So that when the plane lands you are ready to take on the sun!
This is pretty much everything I bring in my carry-on on a normal summer holiday flight. I hope this list helped ease that packing stress and I hope you have a lovely holiday! I am going to Spain which I'm really looking forward to! How about you? Let me know where you are going down in the comments.

-El x

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

The 99 Questions No One Ever Asks Tag!

The 99 Questions No One ever Asks Tag!

Hello all you lovely people! Hope you are having a lovely day today. Anyway, today I wanted to do a  tag. I was interested in this one in particular because it is very different. If you want to contact me then leave a comment or you can find my details in the 'Contact Me' section above. So let's jump right into it!

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Truth be told I can sleep with it either way. I'm not going to let something as simple as that get in the way of my sleep!

2. Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
I can't be the only one guilty of this. I mean who doesn't?

3.  Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
Definitely out! I honestly feel like I am in a straightjacket if they are tucked in.

4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
Interesting question... No I haven't... didn't know that was a thing people do!

5. Do you like to use post-it notes?
Yes! I love post-it notes, especially the really bright neon ones! They are extremely useful when studying.

6. Do you cut out coupons and never use them?
I'm not really a coupon person so no.

7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
Both sound pretty bad. However, I think I am going to choose the bear because I could fight it off with my ninja skills! Oh wait, I don't have any ninja skills so that would go down well!

8. Do you have freckles?

9. Do you always smile for pictures?
Pretty much. I usually don't know what else to do so to stop me from looking incredibly awkward I smile.

10. What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people say, "I done that", instead of, "I did that", and grammar points like that.

11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
I'm going to be honest with you, I am way too lazy to do that.

12. Have you ever peed in the woods?
All the time when I was little.

13. What about pooped in the woods?
I don't ever think things got that extreme!

14. Do you ever dance even if there is no music playing?
A little too often!

15. Do you chew your pens and pencils?
Yes, I am that extremely annoying person that you can not trust with your pens or pencils.

16. How many people have you slept with this week?
None! What sort of question is that! Lets try to keep this PG!

17. What size is your bed?
I think it's a double.

18. What is your song of the week?
This is such a hard question... anything by 5sos!

19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?

20. Do you still watch cartoons?
Not that often. However, I will gladly sit down for an episode of Adventure Time!

21. What's your least favourite movie?
I can't think of a movie in particular, but I'm not to keen on Westerns or Horror movies.

22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
I'm not going to tell you that because if I do get my hands on some treasure then you would all know where to find it!

23. What do you drink with dinner?
Usually milk. Occasionally I will have water or juice.

24. What do you dip your chicken nugget in?

25. What is your favourite food?
Those duck pancakes with the really nice sauce are my life!

26. What movie could you watch over and over and still love?
Mean Girls has to be top of that list, closely followed by It's a Wonderful Life (my family and I watch this every Christmas Eve), the Harry Potter movies, Roman Holiday, Breakfast At Tiffany's and Love Rosie are first to come to mind.

27. Last person you kissed/kissed you?
My dad kissed me on the cheek this morning.

28. Where you ever a boy/girl scout?

29. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Never in a billion years!

30. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
To be honest I love writing letters. There is something so nice and therapeutic about it. Okay now you probably think I am the biggest freak ever! Call me old fashioned but about four days ago.

31. Can you change the oil on a car?

32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
The thing is I can't drive so no.

33. Ever ran out of gas?
Same answer as above guys!

34. Favourite kind of sandwich?
Anything from M&S! They are sandwich goals. If you have never had or heard about M&S sandwiches then get your butt over to England and try one (I'm presuming that if you haven't heard of them that you are not from the UK)!

35. Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Danish pastries, pancakes or French toast.

36. What is your usual bedtime?
Any time between 10pm-1am. This means I can never get up in the morning because I'm so tired from the lack of sleep. Then the next night I do it all again and can't wake up the next morning. I will never learn!

37. Are you lazy?

38. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
The cliché witch usually.

39. What is your Chinese astrological sign?
A snake!

40. How many languages can you speak?
English is the only one I am fluent in. However, I am learning French, Spanish and Mandarin.

41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?

42. What are better Lego or Lincoln Logs?
I have no idea what Lincoln Logs are so I am going to say Lego.

43. Are you stubborn?
I can be sometimes if I feel strongly about a decision.

44. Who is better Leno or Letterman?
Neither... I prefer The Ellen Show... is that allowed?

45. Ever watch soap operas? 
I love Emmerdale and the likes of that.

46. Are you afraid of heights?
Yes, but I will push myself to my limit if necessary. I have abseiled down a castle before and a few other things.

47. Do you sing in the car? 
I wouldn't call it singing... more like croaking but yeah I sing in the car.

48. Do you sing in the shower? 

49. Do you dance in the car?
I dance even if there is no music so I am not going to let a lack of space stop me.

50. Ever used a gun?
I’ve used a water gun, a Nerf gun, a laser tag gun and a paintball gun, but not a real one. I don't believe in violence.

51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? 
About three or four years ago.

52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?

53. Is Christmas stressful?
Extremely, but I still love it!

54. Ever eat a pierogi?
Nope. Sorry but I hadn't heard of this before now.

55. Favourite type of fruit pie? 
Apple is the best!

56:Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? 
Actress, lawyer or author.

57. Do you believe in ghosts? 
Not really.

58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
I have a feeling I have answered this question already… Nah I'm just kidding no.

59. Take a vitamin daily?

60. Wear slippers?
Not that much.

61. Wear a bath robe? 
Occasionally in winter, but that is it.

62. What do you wear to bed? 

63. First concert?
Can't remember...

64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?

65. Nike or Adidas?

66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
Don't know!

67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Peanuts... smothered in chocolate...?

68. Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
I believe it specialises in fashion and beauty...?

69. Ever take dance lessons?
Yes, when I was younger I did ballet and Irish dance.

70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?

71. Can you curl your tongue?

72. Ever won a spelling bee?
I have never been in a spelling bee so that means I haven't won one.

73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Yes, although I can't remember why.

74. Own any record albums?
No, but I would like to.

75. Own a record player? 

76. Regularly burn incense? 
No, but I do have an obsession with scented candles... especially Yankee candles!

77. Ever been in love?
No... unless 5sos count... then yes!

78. Who would you like to see in concert?
5sos, Beyoncé, Coldplay and if they were still around Queen (plus a bunch of others).

79. What was the last concert you saw?
Haven't been to a concert in such a long time so I can't remember.

80. Hot tea or cold tea?
Depends what mood I am in.

81. Tea or coffee?
Tea all the way!

82. Sugar or snickerdoodles? 
Snickerdoodles?... what?

83. Can you swim well?
Yes, very!

84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? 
Yes, but not for long.

85. Are you patient? 
I try to be, but usually no.

86. DJ or band, at a wedding? 
Depends on the band or DJ. If 5sos is an option then you know my choice!

87. Ever won a contest?
I can't think of one off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure I have.

88. Ever have plastic surgery? 
No, and I probably won’t.

89. Which are better black or green olives? 
I hate olives!

90. Can you knit or crochet?
I can knit, but not very well.

91. Best room for a fireplace?
Living room.

92. Do you want to get married? 
Yep, just not any time soon.

93. If married, how long have you been married? 
Not married.

94. Who was your HS crush? 
I'm not in HS yet... although it's hard to work it out because I'm from the UK and we have a different year grading system so we don't have HS!

95. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? 
Not usually, but this is effective as a last resort.

96. Do you have kids? 

97. Do you want kids? 

98. What's your favourite colour? 

99. Do you miss anyone right now? 
Not right at this minute!

Well guys that is all the questions for today! I'm sure that kept you busy for a while. Thanks for reading till the end and you now know some useless facts about me.

-El x